Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lesson 1: What is Creativity?


Let's answer this question in a formal way. Creativity is the ability to imagine or create something new, things that other people haven thought before. Creativity is not about create somethings out of nothing (only God can do that). Generate new ideas by combining, changing and reapplying existing idea is the best way to create. In a creative way, how do we answer this question? Creativity is being creative to create a creative things using our creative brain.

However, when a person grow, the environment around him often be suppressed. A child's imagination is unlimited and out of boundaries. Without logical thinking and education, children will not have boundaries that locked their thinking inside the box.

Lets do a test:

Look at the picture at the left, concentrate on the movement of the women.

If you see her moving CLOCKWISE, you are using your CREATIVE side of your brain, that is right brain.
If you see her moving ANTI-CLOCKWISE, you are using your LOGICAL part of your brain, that is left brain.

What is your answer?

After attending Creative Studies classes, I hope that I can think like a child, THINK WITHOUT BOUNDARIES, THINK OUT OF THE BOX.

This is the CREATIVE IMAGE that I had created for my friend, Shu Ping. Hope she likes it. ^^

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Creative in Advertising

Advertisement is everywhere. It is use to persuade an audience, viewers, listeners or readers to purchase or take action upon products, ideals or services.

A creative advertisement will lead to big profits on the particular product or make a huge influence to the community.

Here are some samples of creative advertisement:
This is an advertisement for a job recruiting company in Berlin, Germany.Depicting people working in the vending. It delivers message that "Life is too short for a wrong job".

This creative advertisement by Mini Cooper is placed at the Zurich, Switzerland. It gives the perception that the mini cooper have a large space.

This advertisement creatively merges a watch with a normal holder on bus. It makes us look like we are wearing the watch when we are holding the holder.

This advertisement gives a perception of the speed of the car. It uses the surrounding and merges with them.

An outstanding advertisement will attract the attention of the eyes of people. After that, persuade them to act on what the advertisement ask for. An advertisement is not just a ordinary picture or posters but it is a form of powerful communication to input something to people's mind and make them act.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Introduction to Creative Studies

Every year we have to take at least one humanities subject. In Foundation in Creative Multimedia, I had learned about Media Appreciation and Media Culture in trimester 1 and trimester 3. 

In Media Appreciation, I had learned about different types of media and how to appreciate it. In that trimester, I had done a report about media form. It is about the difference of different medias and some example of them. Besides that, I had also done weekly journal about what I had learned in class and medias that had been showed to us in class.

In Media Culture, I had learned about the evolution of media from old times till now and the effects of media to the society. I had done a group project by blog discussion about every lesson that we had learned in the class. I also did a report about the effects of media to the society.

In this trimester, Faculty of Creative Multimedia Beta Level 1st trimester, I take a humanity subject called Creative Studies. As you know by its name, it is a study about creativity. How to solve a problem using our creativity. I hope that we can explore more about human's creativity and make use of it. Be creative when encounter a problem and solve it.

After taking this subject, I hope to understand about creative thinking and use it to solve the problems that I encounter in my life. I also hope that my design will be easily connect to people's mind.